Friday, March 13, 2009

FRIDAY THE 13 TH......

well..........well................they say......friday the 13 is evil or bad or spooky.or watever !!!!!!!!
but u know wat i started blogging on this very AUSPICIOUS day.........but guess wat luck favoured ders nothing called evil or unfortunate day.......its just u & how u think bout it.......

according 2 me ders nothin called evil bout friday the 13 th.......
i'll never 4get this day !!!!!!!!!1


  1. lucky you.......cause all my life fridAY the 13th are the worst days of my life...especially this year....yur lucky enough to find this day , AUSPICIOUS .. :-)

  2. ya true ayesha...friday the 13th is not always evil...coz for me the day was just amazing....
